Case study 3

“Sustainable House Energy Costs”

Project Details
Client: Residential (House)
Location: Camaçari, BA – Brazil
System Type: Solar Photo-voltaic System
Completed: 2012

A residential home in the northern coastal suburbs of Camaçari, BA used 6x 140w Poly-Crystal  Solar panels. The system, which was designed by our certified supplier partner, , which comprised of an energy battery storage bank. The solar module installation was north facing roof-mounted racking system, with a Charge controller and 2Kw inverter and Power Management Control. The solar system was constructed to illuminate the garden and central lighting system of the house. It can also is used to power an emergency circuit to power basic electric appliances (eg. Tv, radio and computer equipment) in the case of emergencies. The household estimates 25% savings in their energy costs , reducing their electricity bill by R$50-100 / month.